IBGH 3 | Gehring Manuela | Harvey teh Flying Eagle | Malinois | 3. R. | 70 P. | b/AKZ |
IBGH 3 | Gehring Manuela | Harvey the Flying Eagle | Malinois | 2. R, | 84 P. | g/AKZ |
IGP 2 | Wermelinger Christa | Jade the Flying Eagle | Malinois | 2. R. | 96/94/96 | 285 P. | sg/AKZ |
BH/VT | Habegger Vreni | Kaya the Flying Eagle | Malinois | n.best. | ||
BH/VT | Wolfisberg Sylvia | Sooleawa Dee Li Ban | Border Collie | n. best. | ||
IBGH 2 | Amrein Jolanda | Pania von Amasis | Deutscher Schäferhund | 1. R. | 86 P. | g/AKZ |
IBGH 2 | Reichlin Carla | Lahja van de Niwo | Holländischer Schäferhund | 2. R. | 82 P | g/AKZ |
IBGH 2 | Kuijer Chiara | Bsunas Devi | Labrador | 3. R. | 81 P. | g/AKZ |
IBGH 2 | Widmer Claudia | Windy Nights Ice-ac | Zwergpudel | 4. R. | 70 P. | b/AKZ |
IBGH 3 | Wermelinger Christa | Jade the Flying Eagle | Malinois | 1. R. | 90 P. | sg/AKZ |
IBGH 3 | Gehring Manuela | Harvey the Flying Eagle | Malinois | 2. R. | 87 P. |
g/AKZ |
IBGH 3 | Wermelinger Christa | Jade the Flying Eagle | Malinois | 3. Rang | 90 P. | sg/AKZ |
Wermelinger Christa
Stanserstr. 83
6373 Ennetbürgen
079 642 85 58